Joshua was lucky enough to be offered a 2 week treatment block. Which we completed today. I have to say that this post is about to be a complete rave about how good they are.
Joshua was assigned a physiotherapist on the first day. Upon attending it was obvious that the PT had read all of Joshua's notes and discussed him with the Senior PT that he met at an earlier consultation. She watched Joshua's movements and communication intently.
On the second day we were joined by an Occupational Therapist, who spent a lot of time looking at Joshua's vision.
Each day Joshua's tolerance of touch, positions and activity increased.
For 4 days we were joined by a Speech and Language Therapist, who spent a lot of time helping Josh to play, showing us to wait for Joshua to respond. And what to accept as a response, be it verbalising, a smile, or even withdrawing and crying.
We spent a lot of time concentrating on Joshua's arms, trying to bring them forward to make play more accessible. Trying to bring his shoulders down, to try and reduce the tone across them.
There was a lot of tummy time, trying to get Josh to lay with his arms supporting him, this enabled better head control.
We spoke about feeding, sleeping, playing, relaxing.
All the staff are amazing, and they all care so much.
Another brilliant factor was meeting other parents, sharing a cup of tea and listening to others experiences.
Josh will be attending again in March to attend the Early Intervention Course. This should reinforce everything he's already learned. And the next goal is to obtain PCT funding for another 2 week block in 6 months. Fingers crossed!
Like I said, this is a post of praise. It's also a post of thanks and admiration.