Friday, March 5, 2010

The completion of our family

Joshua Noel Haroon arrived on 4th March at 18:10, he weighed 5lb 6oz.

Ben and I were laying on the sofa, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. At 15:00 I had a strange warm sensation, standing up I noticed blood was pouring from me. I now know that it was my placenta that had ruptured, I'd had the day off due to being up all night with a tummy bug (such awful cramps). I called David, he was picking the kids up from school. I called the maternity ward, they suggested I call an ambulance, which I did. I called lovely, dependable Tessa to come and sit with Ben until we could sort something out.

I was worried about the kids coming home and seeing the blood, but knew I'd just have to deal with that as it happened.

The ambulance and Tessa arrived at the same time, both within 10 minutes of being called. The lady paramedic helped me put some clothes on and we left. As I was leaving David arrived with Phoebe and Oliver. They looked worried but I think I reassured them that everything was ok.

Off we toodled in the ambulance. They put me on a saline (I think) drip, to be prepared in case the hospital needed to give me any medication.

Once at hospital nothing happened for a while. I wasn't in any pain, I didn't have a clue what was going on. I didn't know if the baby was coming or not, whether I'd be discharged, whether the bleeding was important, nothing. The medical staff aren't particularly good at providing information, I'm not very good at knowing what questions to ask.

A little while after arriving I was examined and was 3cm. The baby was being monitored and the scary doctore said he was going into distress and that I may need a cesarian, I was terrified, I thought she was over reacting as I still wasn't in any pain, she called a registra for a second opinion, who said I should just be allowed to labour. Just before 18:00 I started having contractions. The baby arrived very quickly.

Earlier I was warned that he may need to go into special care because of being 6 weeks early. Once he arrived he cried, best noise to hear, then he was put under the resucitator with the heat lamp on. A nurse and doctor were working with him. After giving birth I was a little out of it, stunned, confused. I didn't have a clue what was going on.

Whilst the nurse was giving the baby oxygen, David and I decided that the baby would be called Joshua. All this time we still weren't allowed to hold him. I was put on a drip to help my uterus return to normal. Joshua was transferred to Special Care, Elizabeth Ward.

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